Vendredi du C.E.H.A.H

An enriching rendez-vous to enlighten Haitians on widely intriguing topics.

Airing every Friday, this enriching and insightful rendez-vous aims to educate, inform, and enlighten the Haitian community on a wide array of topics. From education and healthcare, to entrepreneurship, culture, environmental sustainability, immigration, and current affairs, CEHAH delves into issues that matter to our community. Our goal is to foster a well-informed, knowledgeable and engaged public that is empowered to make a difference wherever they reside. Stay informed, inspired, and connected as we continue to strengthen our bonds locally and abroad. Tune in every Friday for insightful discussions and expert opinions tailored for the Haitian community.

Broadcasted on Balade FM Radio, this podcast brings together voices from across the Haitian public. You can join the conversation live by following the link shared on our social media accounts. Recordings are available on our YouTube channel, allowing you to stay informed and engaged at your convenience.

Discover the latest episodes

View the videos in our video library.

"This isn't a show, it's a university"

– Marcus Darbouze

Get in touch

Delmas 40 B, Rue Marcadieu
Imp Sabourin #2 à L'étage Haïti



Digicel (509) 4731 6338

Natcom (509) 4079 7979

Canada: (647)687-9741

USA: (407)615-4206
